Being the Best or Being Different?



(Don't forget to leave a comment D.A (Dreamers & Achievers)!                       

             One day, I found a quote that said, "In this world,there is always going to people who are better than you,so stop comparing yourself to others and just try to be the best you can be." I think that quote is right, each person is different with another person, we can be the best if we try to be the best of ourselves first. Don't comparing yourself to other, that will makes you down, and just focus to another person,then looking for others' weaknesses,that way will not makes you be the best or better than others.Then don't pretend as someone else, just believe, you can go to the world and faced everything in it as yourself.
           Just focus to yourself and make an inovation that will makes you different with other people. If you can't be the best, you can be the different one. Other people will be easy to see you in this world, of course no one want just to be an ant in a big world, they want to be seen and people will realize that they are important. Make something new that useful, don't just be a followers, but you can be someone that has a lot of followers. We have our own style, be yourself! because everyone is special, everyone have their own talent and ability, but we must to liven up that all. Nothing is easy if we never try, but nothing is hard if we try,and try and try! Always be the best of yourself!  :)

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